Newborn Check Up

A baby is considered a newborn from birth to approximately two months of age. Newborn check-ups are an important start to an infant’s life by making sure that the baby is healthy and developing normally. It also provides an opportunity for the parents to address any problems they are noticing with caring for the baby. It is a time to address any concerns with feedings or unusual fussiness. Your pediatrician can provide information on all aspects of caring for babies, setting routines, maternal healing from the birth, sleep disturbances, and a wide array of other problems that may seem unique to your situation but are actually common in most new families.

From the newborn stage on, the medical check-ups are often referred to as well-baby visits. These visits are designed to monitor overall health and growth to make sure the baby’s development is progressing normally. Regular milestones, such as lifting the head, sitting up, crawling, and walking, are charted. All babies do not progress at the same rate as others, and some accomplish milestones a lot sooner than even their own siblings. Even with different rates of development, an average timeline for milestones can be used to indicate any lack of progress in one or more areas. Slow development can indicate the need for further testing to make sure that no underlying problems are present that need to be addressed.

Well-baby checks are the appointments that are scheduled from the time of birth at regular intervals. These appointments do not include any visits needed for illness or injuries.

Well-baby checks are scheduled at: